Sunday, September 28, 2008

First Post

My heterosexual life partner and best bud forever, Shaytown, has been complaining that I don't read her blogs enough so I've decided to make her feel better in the only way that I know how.

I am creating a blog about her blog.

Now to be fair she has multiple blogs. Three written ones, two comics, a website, youtube account, deviantart, and a twitter.

She keeps odd hours.

And we share an apartment and host a radio show together so I'm around to hear most of her material before it hits the blogosphere.

But I'm going to do my best.

Starting now:

Last night Shaytown (my nickname for her later turned into her autobiographical comic's name)couldn't sleep. She's been fighting some sort of terrible flu and its got her schedule messed up. But she hasn't let that hold her back blog wise.

At 11:19pm Alaska time she posted a blog about how things are going well. The entry was entitled "Crap I am proud of" and it shows and excellent picture of her new studio space in the painting studio. I caught her with the picture up on her monitor before she posted but she told me that I had to wait till she posted it on her blog to get a good look at it. It was brightly colored and had been labeled to show the different parts of her space so I really wanted to see it.

Luckely I managed to convince her to let me see so I didn't have to wait. But what I didn't know was that she was also going write about how the bulletin board she designed for the radio station turned out really well. She had pictures of that too and it looks quite hip.

After that you'd think she'd be done for the night. But at almost 4 in the morning she posted another excellent blog, this time about how she couldn't sleep despite the fact that she was still taking cough syrup for the bug that she hasn't been able to shake. Late nights plus cough syrup was leading to all sorts of artist inspiration for Shaytown so she kept getting out of bed to jot down ideas and diagrams for her thesis art show.

When she wasn't in her room thinking about art she was outside walking her dog in the first snow.

During all of this I slept and dreamed. But she did not mention me.

She finished the blog with photos of her dog eating snow and peeing in front of our house. But not in that order.

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